Der Preis von Neuland (The Prize of Newland)
Commentary by Inke Arns on the occasion of Microsoft employee Jaron Lanier receiving the Peace Prize of the German Book Traders (Friedenspreises des Deutschen Buchhandels), 5 min., WDR3, from 18:05 in the radio show “Gutenbergs Welt” (Gutenberg’s World), 19. Oktober 2014, http://www.wdr3.de/literatur/verybigdata100.html
On the Inauthenticity and Uncanniness of Speaking
by Inke Arns and Ingo Kottkamp, Deutschlandradio Kultur, Feature (original broadcast), as part of the series “The second voice”, May 15, 2013, 00:05 – 01:00, Director: the authors, Production: DKultur 2013, Length: 54:30 min. [German]
They call until they are exhausted. They detach themselves from originator and source. They come from the dead who sing a duet with the living. Man sounds like a machine, Barbie like Ken, the on-board computer like a gentle friend. Voices staged and imagined by artists not only make audible the strange in the familiar, the monstrous in the everyday; they also repeatedly pose the question: who is actually speaking? – The feature was created in connection with the exhibition His Master’s Voice: Of Voice and Language at Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV) Dortmund. https://www.hoerspielundfeature.de/ueber-die-uneigentlichkeit-und-unheimlichkeit-des-sprechens-102.html
Sounds Like Silence
by Inke Arns and Dieter Daniels, Deutschlandradio Kultur, 24 August 2012, 00:05 – 01:00 a.m. [German]
Speakers: Meriam Abbas, Shaun Lawton und Gilles Chevalier
Assistance: Eva Raisig
Sound: Lutz Pahl
Directors: Inke Arns, Dieter Daniels
Editor: Marcus Gammel
Production: Hartware Medienkunstverein HMKV Dortmund/Deutschlandradio Kultur 2012
Length: 54:30 min.
https://www.hoerspielundfeature.de/stille-im-werk-von-john-cage-sounds-like-silence-100.html (Download)
A radio programme which takes on mission impossible by trying to broadcast silence – or what sounds like it. This feature in six chapters gathers bizarre, rare and illuminating recordings of silence as part of the Sound Art Programme of Deutschlandradio Kultur. Curated by Inke Arns and Dieter Daniels.
Published as a CD by Gruenrekorder (Gruen 116). Sound Art Series by Gruenrekorder, Germany / 2012 / Gruen 116 / LC 09488 / GEMA / EAN 4050486081365
Gelassenheit im Cyberspace – Vom selbstverständlichen Umgang mit virtuellen Welten
by Inke Arns (30 min.), in the series: Das Neue Funkkolleg 2002/2003: Glück und Globalisierung: Neue Herausforderungen im Alltag, ed. by Peter Kemper / Ulrich Sonnenschein, Hessischer Rundfunk, May 2003 [German]
(also published in: Peter Kemper / Ulrich Sonnenschein (eds.): Glück und Globalisierung. Alltag in Zeiten der Weltgesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 2003, pp. 251-263)