DR. INKE ARNS Curator and Author


On view: Genossin Sonne (Comrade Sun), exhibition of the Wiener Festwochen 2024, Kunsthalle Wien, 17 May – 1 September 2024; Niklas Goldbach, The Paradise Machine, HMKV, Dortmund/DE, 16 March – 11 August 2024

Upcoming: Tutorials (in the book series “Digitale Bildkulturen” at Klaus Wagenbach, ed. by Annekathrin Kohout & Wolfgang Ullrich, September 2024); Silke Schönfeld: You Can’t Make This Up, HMKV, Dortmund/DE, 12 October 2024 – 2 February 2025

Since July 2023 member of the Goethe-Institut, Munich. Since 2022 member of the Akademie der Künste der Welt, Cologne. Since 2022 jury member of the Karl-Sczuka-Preis of the SWR2.

Awards: In 2023, the HMKV exhibition Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?, curated by Inke Arns and Thibaut de Ruyter, was selected as the “Best Exhibition 2023” in the Welt am Sonntag critics’ survey. In 2021 HMKV’s exhibition Artists & Agents – Performance Art and Secret Services curated by Inke Arns, Kata Krasznahorkai and Sylvia Sasse received the “Exhibition of the Year 2020” prize by the German section of AICA (International Art Critics’ Association). In 2019, together with Igor Chubarov and Sylvia Sasse, Inke Arns was awarded the Justus Bier Preis für Kuratoren 2018 for the project The Storming of the Winter Palace. In 2017 HMKV received the ADKV-ART COLOGNE Award for Art Associations, after having been nominated for the sixth time and having received an Honorable Mention at ART COLOGNE in 2013. In 2013, HMKV’s exhibition Sounds Like Silence. John Cage – 4’33” – Silence Today curated by Inke Arns and Dieter Daniels was awarded the “Exceptional Exhibition of the Year 2012” prize by the German section of AICA (International Art Critics’ Association).

Recent publications: Genossin Sonne (2024), Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine (2024), Training the Archive (2024), Was ist Kunst, IRWIN? (2023), Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten: We grow, grow and grow, we‘re gonna be alright and this is our show (2023), House of Mirrors – Artificial Intelligence as Phantasm (2022), Technoshamanism (2021), Stefan Panhans & Andrea Winkler: The Pow(d)er of I Am Klick Klick Klick Klick and a very very bad bad musical! (2021)

Inke Arns on Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | academia.edu | Instagram


Evil Clowns

{link:http://www.hmkv.de/_en/programm/programmpunkte/2014/Ausstellungen/2014_CLOW_Boese_Clowns.php}Evil Clowns – exhibition and book (2014){/link}

Jetzt helfe ich mir selbst

{link:http://www.hmkv.de/_en/programm/programmpunkte/2014/Ausstellungen/2014_Jetzt_helfe_ich_mir_selbst.php}»Now I Can Help Myself« – exhibition (2014){/link}

His Masters Voice

{link:http://www.hmkv.de/_en/programm/programmpunkte/2013/Ausstellungen/2013_His_Masters_Voice.php}His Master’s Voice – exhibition and book (2013){/link}


{link:http://www.hmkv.de/_en/programm/programmpunkte/2012/Ausstellungen/2012_Sounds_like_silence.php}Sounds like Silence – exhibition and book (2012){/link}

Awake are only the Spirits

{link:http://www.hmkv.de/_en/programm/programmpunkte/2009/Ausstellungen/geister_2009.php}»Awake are only the Spirits« – exhibition and book (2009){/link}

History will repeat itself

{link:http://www.hmkv.de/_en/programm/programmpunkte/2007/Ausstellungen/History2007.php}History will repeat itself – exhibition and book (2007){/link}

The Avant-Garde in the Rearview Mirror

{link:http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/dissertationen/arns-inke-2004-02-20/PDF/Arns.pdf}The Avant-Garde in the Rearview Mirror – dissertation, German PDF (2004){/link}

What is Modern Art? (Group Show)

{link:http://www.inkearns.de/_websites/wima/english/index.htm}What is Modern Art? – exhibition and book (2006){/link}


{link:http://www.irwin-retroprincip.de/eng/index.htm}Irwin: Retroprincip 1983–2003 – exhibition and book (2003){/link}